This Item Modifier can be found on jewelry, weapons and armor. It will raise all skills that a player has chosen by X amount. Does not contribute toward Mastery of Skills. Switching to a weapon slot with weapons socketed with jewelry or weapons with All Skills +X will raise all of the character's skill levels while using that weapon slot. This offers significant benefits for casting buffs, as a player may use an All Skills +X weapon slot to raise the level of his Focus skill, whch can then increase the level of the Buffs while casting, and then switch to another weapon slot for normal game play. The elevated level of Buffs cast at while using a slot like this will remain, even if a player switches to another weapon slot.

Availability of All Skills +X as Item Modifier

This modifier is available on the following Legendary as a yellow modifier:

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This modifier is available on the following unique jewelry as a yellow modifier:

This is the list of the skills you have activated. You have 10 skill slots. You unlock a new slot at level 2, 3, 5, 8, 12, 18, 25, 35, 50 and 65. All skill choices are permanent; there is no respec option in Sacred 2. For a description of the available skill types please see 13-16. Sacred 2 introduces item slots that are limited with what they are able to socket. This means, for example, that if there is a number of slots on an item, perhaps only one would be capable of socketing a ring, with the other slot being only capable of socketing a rune. I am playing Sacred 2 on the PS3, but I posted a very similar message to the following on the 360 boards a while back. What has changed since that time is the Character Level and associated increases in Bargaining levels: My Seraphim (PS3) bought two amulets within about five minutes of each other, both with All Skills +17 when she was at about Level 100, with only 75 Hard Points (Mastery) in. Its been awhile since the release of Sacred 2 and with the impending release of the experience for pc players, I have to wonder if new skills that are accessible to all characters are going to be introduced. If so and we arent getting any new slots for skills10 max, then well have to rid oursel.

This modifier is available on the following unique armor as a yellow modifier:

Sacred 2 Skill Slots

It is available on the following sets as a full set item bonus:

  • Detheya's Agility (Dryad)
  • Celdrahil's pandemonium (High Elf)
  • Ilgard's Judgment (Inquisitor)
  • Origin of the Seraish (Seraphim)

This modifier is available on the following unlock items as a yellow modifier:

Sacred 2 Skill Slots Games

This modifier is available on the following Set Items as a yellow modifier:

This modifier is available on the following Unique Armor as a yellow modifier:

This modifier is available on the following CM Patch Items as a yellow modifier:

Sacred 2 skill slots skill

See Also

Sacred 2 Skill Slots No Deposit

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